漢字: 333 Kanji-in-a-Day: Group PERSON


人 [ひと] (n) man; person;
一人 [ひとり] (n) one person.
個人 [こじん] (n,adj-no) individual; private person; personal; private.
人気 [にんき] (n,adj-na) popular; business conditions; popular feeling.
人事 [じんじ] (n) personnel affairs; human affairs; human resources; HR.
大人 [おとな] (n) adult.
婦人 [ふじん] (n) woman; female.
夫人 [ふじん] (n) wife; Mrs; madam.
死人 [しにん] (n) corpse; dead person.

大 [おお] (pref) big; large.
医大 [いだい] (n) medical university; medical school.
過大 [かだい] (adj-na,n) excessive; too much; unreasonable.
私大 [しだい] (n) (abbr) private university or college.
大屋 [おおや] (n) landlord; landlady.
大家 [たいか] (n) expert.
大使 [たいし] (n) ambassador.
大師 [だいし] (n) (Buddh) great teacher; saint.
大事 [だいじ] (adj-na,n) important; valuable; serious matter.
大豆 [だいず] (n) soya bean.

太い [ふとい] (adj) fat; thick.
太る [ふとる] (v5r,vi) to grow fat (stout, plump); to become fat.
丸太 [まるた] (n) log.
太もも [ふともも] (n) [1] thigh. [2] (col) buttocks; arse; ass; butt.
太り肉 [ふとりじし] (n) corpulent; fat; chubby.
太平洋 [たいへいよう] (n) Pacific Ocean.
太陽系 [たいようけい] (n) solar system

犬 [いぬ] (n) dog
愛犬 [あいけん] (n) pet dog.
番犬 [ばんけん] (n) watchdog.

伏 [ふく] (n,vs) stoop; bend down;
伏せる [ふせる] (v1,vt) to lay something upside down; to turn something over; to cover; to lay (pipes); to lay (an ambush); to hide.
降伏 [こうふく] (n,vs) capitulation; surrender; submission.

夫 [おっと] (n) (hum) (my) husband.
夫妻 [ふさい] (n) man and wife; married couple.
夫婦 [ふうふ] (n) married couple; spouses; husband and wife; couple; pair.
夫れ夫れ [それぞれ] (n-t) each; every; either; respectively; severally.
大丈夫 [だいじょうぶ] (adj-na,adv,n) safe; all right; OK.


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