漢字: Kanji

Japanese texts are generally composed of 3 scripts:
1. Hiragana
2. Katakana
3. and the Kanji
Occasionaly, it may also include Roman letter.

Among these scripts, I find Kanji the most difficult to learn. That is why I created a "KANJI (漢字)" section on this blogsite that is dedicated to the study of Kanji.

Kanji are Chinese scripts. Japanese adapted these scripts along time ago as they have no writing system of their own at that time. Today, there are currently around 2000 Chinese characters approved by the Japanese government for general use.

Fortunately, the kanji-a-day site made a list of the 100 commonly used kanji on the web. The information from the list originally comes from The Kanji Project at po-ru.com. I think starting learning kanji from this list is a good idea.


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